Research Projects – Participants Needed

RMIT study

RMIT is recruiting participants to study the impact of computer animation on autistic users. The study wants to hear from both autistic and non-autistic participants, with the aim to improve guidelines for designing accessible web pages. The research team includes autistic researchers.

Participation requirements:

  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You can consent for your participation in the research
  • You have access to a PC or laptop

Participants will be asked to:

  • Complete a 10-minute online survey
  • Participate in an online experiment that will take approximately 45 minutes

Participation is done anonymously.

To participate, visit:

For more information please contact:


University of Adelaide study

A research team at the University of Adelaide is running a study to hear from people who have lodged a discrimination complaint for a primary or secondary school student with behavioural issues connected with disability (this includes autism).

The study will look into the experiences of people who were involved in the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process.

This complaint must have been lodged to a relevant body, which includes:

  • the Equal Opportunity Commissions in Victoria, South Australia, or federally,
  • Tribunals (the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, or the South Australian Employment Tribunal);
  • Ombudsman bodies in Victoria or South Australia;
  • Education Departments in Victoria or South Australia;
  • the Victorian Independent Office for School Dispute Resolution.

Participants will go through an online interview that will take place for one hour.

Please contact [email protected] for further information.

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