COVID-19 vaccination social scripts

Amaze, in partnership with National Disability Services, have developed social scripts that outlines the process of getting a COVID-19 vaccination to autistic people.

Autistic people may find the process of getting the vaccination stressful. These social scripts provide autistic people with an opportunity to prepare themselves for their vaccination and reduce anxiety.

What are social scripts, and how can they help?

Social scripts are story-based strategies using images and descriptions to explain new experiences and social environments to autistic people. Social scripts often include very specific and illustrated information about what an autistic person can expect.

While the social scripts have been developed for autistic people, anyone who is feeling anxious about the process of getting a COVID-19 vaccination can use and benefit from the resources.

How to use the COVID-19 vaccination social scripts

Despite every vaccination centre location and GP clinic being different, the script’s contents can be applied to any situation where someone is receiving a COVID-19 vaccination, as the process is consistent across Australia.

Some tips for using the social scripts are:

  • Download the social scripts and the vaccination questions below prior to your appointment.
  • Either save the scripts to your phone where you have easy access or print them out to refer to on the day.
  • Review the instructions in the lead up to the vaccination until you feel comfortable with the process.
  • Download and read the Preparing for COVID-19 vaccination document below. This document provides a list of ten questions you will need to answer before getting a COVID-19 vaccination. You might find it easier to fill these in at home and bring them with you.
  • Consider letting the health professional giving you the vaccination know you have prepared for the vaccination by using a social script.

Getting your COVID-19 vaccination webinar

Amaze hosted free webinar to launch the social scripts and answer questions about the process of getting a COVID-19 vaccination. The webinar covered the benefits of social scripts for autistic people and information about getting the vaccine. 

Watch the recording of the webinar below:

If you need more advice… 

Contact the Autism Connect national autism helpline by calling 1300 308 699emailing us, or by using the webchat on this website.  

Autism Connect is available 8 am – 7 pm, Monday to Friday. 

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