Buy Ethically, Environmentally and Organically!

Ethical Buying - where it doesn't cost the earthEthical Buying is a fabulous online grocery store where you can shop online for ethically sourced items, as well as a great range of organic products, products that consider the welfare of animals and products that are made in Australia wherever possible.
Ethical Buying is volunteer-run and all profits are given to charity – of which Amaze is one.
For the rest of October, Ethical Buying will increase their donation from 5% to 10% – so if you haven’t already tried it, please do do now!
Ethical Buying stocks an ever-increasing range of products so that consumers have the option to make ethical choices. Prices are highly competitive with the supermarkets, because they are not in it for the profit! The profits that are made are small, and are all given away to charity.
Simply choose ‘Amaze’ when you check out and Ethical Buying will make a donation to us that is equivalent to 10% of your purchases.
And it’s really easy – you don’t have to drag the family to the supermarket – shop when they are asleep!
Visit Ethical Buying where it doesn’t cost the earth!

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