Become an Inclusion Champion

Marvel Stadium

Amaze supports organisations to become market leaders and champions of positive change. Become a pillar of best-practice accessibility for autistic people and their supporters, with the backing and guidance of Victoria’s autism peak body.

Why be an Inclusion Champion?

Find new audiences

Being an autism-friendly organisation could give you access to an untapped demographic of people including over 55,000 Victorians plus their families, supporters, and friends.

Live your values

Australians expect brands and organisations to stand for equality and integrity. For example, 21% of Australians would be more likely to shop somewhere that proactively employs autistic people.

Boost your bottom line

Are you tapped into the talent pool of autistic people – potential employees -who can bring unique skills, intelligence and perspectives?

In 2018, St Kilda Football Club became an Inclusion Champion. The Club’s main objective was to ensure the autism community, including family and friends, could attend their games.

Amaze conducted an audit of the Club’s home ground, Marvel Stadium, and developed a comprehensive program of strategies, training and resources to make the venue inclusive and accessible for autistic people and their supporters. In addition, a new “chill out zone” provides a state-of-the-art space for autistic football fans to be comfortable.

The results received overwhelming recognition from the wider community including coverage from major media outlets.

The program delivered by Amaze will ensure St Kilda Football Club remains a leader in its field, and has opened the Club to a whole new fan base who may not have previously engaged with them.

Autism training

Amaze will provide your team with face-to-face training so they can understand more about autism, and learn strategies they can use to support and engage autistic people in different situations.
Amaze can also provide access to online and multi-site training for large, remote or off-site teams.

Environmental audit

We’ll explore your space to understand what a typical experience would be like for an autistic person, then make clear, practical and expert recommendations to make the space more autism-friendly. Amaze will guide you on how to action the recommendations for the best possible outcome.

Quiet space

Amaze can advise on how to make a best practice and cost-effective quiet space, or breakout room, for autistic people.

Social scripts

We work with you to create a story-based tool used to explain new experiences and environments to autistic people through simple language and images. This will help autistic people feel confident and prepared to engage with you.

Sensory maps

We’ll create a map of your venue displaying where someone may experience sensory input, including noise, visual stimulation and touch. Autistic people and their families can use this map to plan their experience.

Task analysis

We’ll make a document that breaks down processes step-by-step. This can be very helpful for autistic people going through new processes like security bag checks, ticket scanners and metal detectors.

Parent/Carer guide

We’ll create resources for parents and carers on how to plan and prepare for a visit to your venue.

Testing and verification

Where appropriate, we will run a trial of these autism resources and/or spaces with our autistic-led focus groups, to provide authentic, lived-experience feedback.

We offer all Amaze Inclusion Champions:

  • Premium positioning on the Amaze website’s Partners page
  • A feature story on the Amaze website showcasing your organisation
  • 6 x social media posts highlighting your organisation to Amaze’s followers each year
  • A senior Amaze representative will attend your relevant open days and events
  • Recognition in our annual report
  • Use of Amaze Inclusion Champion logo
  • A framed Amaze Inclusion Champion certificate

Be a champion

Contact us today to start your journey to being an Inclusion Champion. Email [email protected]  or call 03 9657 1621.

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