Workplace giving

Hands holding a heart shape, symbolising giving.

Workplace giving is a simple and effective way to donate to Amaze on a regular basis – and the donations really do make a difference.

What is it?

Workplace giving donations are deducted from pre-tax employee salaries, which mean that individual taxable income is reduced.

Amaze has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status, which means that workplace giving contributions qualify for an immediate tax deduction.

Get started

  1. Speak to your management/payroll team about adding Amaze to your existing list of charities, or ask payroll to set the program up.
  2. Call 03 9657 1600 or email [email protected] to notify us of your decision to support Amaze.
  3. Promote the program to your staff and encourage participation. If you hold a workplace giving fair as an internal event, we are happy to attend. We can also supply promotional collateral to help you get started. You could also ask your management team if they are willing to encourage staff contributions by matching donations dollar for dollar.
  4. Deposit your donations to Amaze via bank transfer (contact us on 03 9657 1600 for details) or via our donation page, using your workplace name as a reference. 

Keep Amaze updated on your organisational workplace giving program. We would be delighted to help promote your organisation and its workplace giving program to our online community of more than 50,000 subscribers and followers!

Contact Amaze

To find out more about ways in which your organisation can engage or support Amaze, email [email protected] or call 03 9657 1600.

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