Going to the GP about my mental health – A guide for autistic women



This guide was created to help you if you need to see a General Practitioner (GP) about your mental health.

Autistic women often face specific challenges in identifying and communicating that they have mental health concerns.

The Going to the GP About My Mental Health resource provides a step-by-step guide for autistic women on:

  • Identifying any mental health symptoms
  • Preparing for meeting your GP with checklists
  • Ways to communicate with your GP
  • Understanding when to see your GP again if necessary

This guide was developed by Amaze following consultation with autistic women about their personal experiences identifying mental health concerns and seeing a GP.

The guide is available in different sections and you can download each section or the full guide.


Full Guide

Full guide

Download the full guide here 



Introducing the Guide

This resource will give you an introduction to the different sections available. 


Section 1 - Do I need to see a GP about my mental health

This section will help you if you are thinking about seeing a GP about your mental health for the first time. 


Section 2 - Before the appointment

This section will help you prepare for your first appointment with your GP. 


Section 3 - Appointment Day

This section will help you with your appointment day. It will guide you on how to talk to your GP and prepare you for questions you will be asked. 


Section 4 - After the appointment

This section will help you understand if you received all the information you needed from you GP. It will also help you decide if you need a follow up appointment. 


Section 5 - Resources and references

Additional support and resources can be found here. 


Permission is granted for the content of this guide to be reproduced in its entirety, provided Amaze is acknowledged as the source. Content is provided for educational and information purposes only. Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not imply endorsement and is not intended to replace advice from your doctor or other registered health professional.

Funded by The William and Vera Ellen Houston Memorial Trust Fund
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