
The media has an important role to play in shaping and reinforcing community understanding of, and attitudes towards, autism.

Amaze regularly works with the media to share the stories of autistic Australians, to bring important autism issues to light and to build greater autism understanding and acceptance.

The Amaze media team are available to support journalists working on stories about autism and autistic people.

With in-house subject matter experts and a Neurodevelopmental Expert Panel, Amaze is able to provide expert commentary and insight into policy issues, including assessment and diagnosis, treatment and therapies, education, employment, the NDIS, gender and sexuality, parenting and mental health. Amaze can also connect journalists with autistic people and their families for lived-experience insights.

For more information, contact the Amaze Communications Team, at [email protected] or call 03 9657 1600.    

Media kit

Cover of the media resourceMedia stories can challenge misconceptions and myths about autism, give autistic people a platform to share their stories and experiences in a positive way, help the general community to understand autism better, and foster greater acceptance of autistic people…or they can do the opposite – reinforce myths and inaccurate stereotypes, and perpetuate negative attitudes towards autism and autistic people.

Amaze has developed a media kit, Talking about Autism, to provide journalists and media professionals with evidence-based information and practical advice for respectful and accurate reporting on autism.

The resource covers:

  • What is autism?
  • Principles for reporting on autism
  • Common myths
  • Autism language
  • Fast facts
  • Image guidelines

Talking about Autism was created in collaboration with, and informed by, the experiences of autistic people and their families. 

We thank The Jack Brockhoff Foundation for their generous support of this initiative. 

For more information

For all media enquiries, please contact:

Amaze Communications Team
Phone: 03 9657 1600
Email: [email protected]

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