News and Events

Theatre: Tom's bold, brilliant way of opening the world's eyes to autism

It’s been said that having an authentic identity is the highest form of intelligence. It’s a theory that springs to mind when interviewing playwright Tom Middleditch, a relentlessly dynamic thinker ...

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Multivitamins, pregnancy and autism claims: Amaze responds

Professor Andrew Whitehouse has written extensively on autism and how families respond to diagnosis. From the moment a child is diagnosed, he says, the family enters the unknown. Professor Whitehouse, ...

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Four autistic people in family of six: a lesson in the vastness of the spectrum

Jessica Offer, a contributor for The Mighty, offers some insightful thoughts on living with the spectrum: How many times have I heard the phrase, “She doesn’t look autistic to me”? Too many ...

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Autism and mental health: the urgent need for more service and resources

October 10 was World Mental Health Day, sparking a week in which we aim to raise awareness of mental health and bring understanding to the part it plays in so ...

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Amaze CEO: Why our police must be trained in autism

It was a story met with community outrage. Video showed Victoria Police officers restraining a child _ the boy doubled over on the ground as the officers held him down. ...

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Carers Week special: mums, dads write from the heart

National Carers Week (October 15-21) sets out to recognise and celebrate the outstanding contribution of carers. Amaze is well aware of the extraordinary work done by carers in our community, ...

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