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Have you got your ticket to our Autism in Women & Girls Forum for Friday 20th October?

The needs of autistic women and girls is a subject we’ve been hearing more and more about in recent years. With good reason. Autism has been growing over the past ...

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The incredible story of a little girl and her swim-loving therapy cat

For years, mum Arabella tried to encourage daughter Iris to speak. It was a tough task. Iris didn’t talk or impart. She kept away from other kids and declined to ...

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Autism, pregnancy and motherhood: special report says women overcome 'systemic abuse' to become great mums

Amaze’s most recent polling shows that 52% of Australians have a personal connection with autism. Concerning, however, is that 70% of those polled did not know that the number of ...

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Call on Government to accept recommendations: Join our campaign!

In 2015, the Victorian Family and Community Services Committee established a Parliamentary Inquiry into Services for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Over 18 months the committee received over 150 submissions, ...

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Up to three times more autistic people have savant abilities than previously thought

Researchers from Autism Spectrum Australia believe new findings could have significant impact on perceptions of autistic people and their potential in the workforce. The researchers say up to three times ...

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TV quiz star's battle for autism diagnosis: so much more must be done for girls and women

TV viewers know her as The Governess, a formidable figure capable of reducing people to quivering wrecks with her icy stare. Away from the camera, a very different Anne Hegerty ...

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