News and Events

Women on the spectrum, pregnancy and motherhood: My story

Lana Grant discovered she was on the autism spectrum in 2007, when she was 38. She tells Spectrum Women of her journey: “I was already a mother of five children ...

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Spectrospective 2017: share your story of autism

Every story of autism is unique and important. That’s why it’s time to share, time to tell your story of autism. The Spectrospective film is our contribution to World Autism Awareness ...

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From the CEO: welcome to our new eSpectrum

I’m delighted to share our revamped eSpectrum e-newsletter with our Amaze community. We are always encouraged by the extent to which eSpectrum is read each fortnight and hope the new ...

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Win copy of Becoming Chief: How to lead your child's special needs tribe

Becoming Chief: How to lead your child’s special needs tribe, is a great starting point for any parent of a child with a disability. This book, from Cathy Love, focuses ...

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My story: female rally champ inspires my little girl

Molly Taylor recently became the first female winner of the Australian Rally Championship. In the process, she made an extraordinary impact on Ella Bibby, a girl on the autism spectrum. ...

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He was non-verbal but became a respected public speaker. Here's his incredible journey in comic form

He was non-verbal at two-and-a-half and diagnosed as being on the spectrum at four, but nothing was going to stop Kerry Magro from setting and achieving his life goals. An ...

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