COVID-19: Return to school resources for autistic students and parents/carers


The below resources have been developed by Amaze in response to many requests from families and carers of autistic school children returning to school. They provide practical tips and strategies to help children and young people manage anxiety and regain routines. The resources are:

For autistic students

  • Returning to secondary school: frequently asked questions
  • Tips for autistic secondary students returning to school
  • Tips for autistic primary students returning to school 

For parents and carers

  • Checklist for supporting your child
  • Tips for parents
  • Using a social script to explain a new situation

These resources have been developed as an overview of some of the potential changes at school and supports autistic students may need. Due to the complexity of the current situation, different schools are likely to have different changes to routines and activities. This includes start and finish times, cleaning and hand washing requirements by students and staff, and hands-on classes like sport and music. Amaze encourages autistic students and their families/carers to speak directly to their school about the changes and supports they may need.

These resources were made by Amaze in consultation with autistic parents from our community, and are proudly funded by the Victorian Department of Education and Training.

Resources for autistic students

Returning to secondary school: frequently asked questions

This resource answers questions secondary school students may have including information on how schools are working to keep students, teachers and staff safe; possible changes to the school environment; and what students can do if they are worried.


Tips for autistic secondary students returning to school

This resource provides tips for secondary students returning to school. The topics covered include: expect some changes to routines; tips on keeping clean and healthy; and how to seek support.


Tips for returning to school for autistic primary students

This resource provides tips for primary school students returning to school. The topics covered include: school being different in some ways; changes to rules; and tips on keeping calm.



Resources for parents/carers

Checklist: Supporting your autistic child's return to school

This checklist covers the different things you can do to ensure your autistic child is best supported for the return to school.


8 ways to prepare your autistic child for going back to school

This resource has different tips on how you can support your autistic child as they return to school. Topics covered include: talking to your school; routines; supports; transition planning; and understanding any changes to behaviours.


Using a social script to explain a new situation

This resource explains what a social script is and how to create social scripts for an autistic person. There is also links to examples of social scripts.




Autism Connect Advisors 

Amaze understands that each autistic individual will need tailored supports. Our Autism Connect advisors can provide advice and resources on all aspects of autism, including behaviours of concern and families with autistic individuals with complex support needs. The service is available  8am – 7pm, Monday – Friday.  

Phone: 1300 308 699 

Email: [email protected]


Victorian Department of Education Learning from home advice line  for parents 

If you have questions about learning from home, call the advice phone line for parents on 1800 338 663. 



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