Early Days

Early Days Workshops are for parents and carers of young children (aged 0 – 6) who have a diagnosis of autism, or who are currently undergoing a diagnosis.

Man sitting with a young child on a phone

What are the workshops about?

There are a number of workshops offered by the Early Days team, including:

  • My Child and Autism (introductory workshop)
  • Understanding Behavior
  • Encouraging Interaction
  • Tips for Everyday Skills
  • Progression to School
  • Helping my Child Cope with Change

Learn about:

  • Autism and what it means for your child and your family.
  • Practical strategies that can make a difference to your child’s development.
  • How to navigate early intervention services.

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  • Understand why your child has behavioural issues.
  • Learn how to identify the purpose of your child’s behaviour.
  • Learn how to develop strategies.
  • Plan for success.

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  • Understanding play and social learning.
  • Learn strategies to scaffold and encourage play and social learning.

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  • Understand why everyday self care skills can be hard for autistic children.
  • Learn strategies for everyday skills such as toileting, personal care, eating and sleeping, as well as making an action plan to support your child.

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  • Understand how to successfully prepare your child with the keys to succeed at school.
  • Learn about funding options for children over 7 years.

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  • Identify why change is challenging, and how it impacts on the behaviour of young children.
  • Learn strategies to prepare your child for the changes of everyday life.
  • Be prepared for changes within the family structure such as moving house, going to childcare and celebrations such as Christmas and birthdays.

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Workshop dates

Click here to see the dates of upcoming Early Days workshops in Victoria.

Follow Early Days on Facebook

Early Days is a national initiative providing free workshops for families with young autistic children. Autism organisations around Australia deliver the workshops in their state. Amaze facilitates these workshops in Victoria.

Visit the Early Days Facebook page.

For more information

If you have any questions about Early Days Workshops, please call 1300 307 909 or email [email protected].

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