Community Support Program Update

A thank you message from Amaze CEO Fiona Sharkie

Dear our community,

Thank you to everyone who generously donated to our recent appeal. I am delighted to share with you the results of the appeal to save Amaze’s Community Support Program.  Your support helped to raise $60,000. On behalf of Victorian families that will benefit from your kindness, please accept my sincere thanks.

I have been overwhelmed by the response from supporters and inspired by the warm words and praise for Pamela and Carmel, the wonderful Amaze team who deliver this program with such heart-felt conviction and dedication.

The $60,000 raised means the program can keep running for another six months. We have a little further to go in order to continue the program permanently. But I’m confident that we can get through this together and I’m determined to keep the program running for families that need us.

There is no doubt that the service Pamela and Carmel provide to help autistic children, adults and their families get the supports they need must continue.

And as the impact of coronavirus restrictions continues to put pressure on autistic people and their families and carers across Victoria, the Amaze Community Support Team, along with our wonderful Autism Advisors on our helpline, will be there – with workshops, community outreach, support and understanding.  

So again, thank you for your generous gift and your support for the autism community. If there is anything I can do to support you or an autistic person who you know, especially in these challenging times, please call one of my colleagues at our Autism Advisor helpline on 1800 308 699.

Fiona Sharkie
Amaze CEO


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