February 2021 Policy and Advocacy Update

2021 will be a big year for policies on autism. Here are the key areas Amaze is giving attention to:  


National Disability Insurance Scheme:  

Major reforms are proposed to the NDIS including: 

We encourage our community to have a say. Amaze is working hard on preparing related submissions for the Australian Autism Alliance. See more detailed information on our positions here: 

Please let us know if you have been part of the NDIA’s “Independent Assessment pilot” and would like to share your story by emailing our Senior Policy Analyst at [email protected] to arrange a conversation 


Senate Inquiry into Autism:  

Hearings of the Inquiry are being held in Melbourne on 11-12 February. Amaze is giving evidence at these hearings and will also be part of a delegation appearing on behalf of the Australian Autism Alliance. The hearings will be livestreamed if you want to tune in (we will post the times for Amaze’s appearances once the Committee releases its schedule).    


Royal Commission into Violence, Neglect, Abuse and Exploitation of People with Disability:  

We strongly encourage our community to engage with this landmark Royal Commission, whose work continues throughout 2021. Let us know if you would like the Amaze team to assist you to do this.  

  • The latest Issues Paper is on Promoting Inclusion – you can share your views on what an inclusive society looks like, the barriers to inclusion, how we can become a more inclusive society, and how inclusion might prevent violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.   
  • Upcoming public hearings are about the Justice system (16-25 Feb in Brisbane); Health Care Professionals education & training (2 March Sydney) and Pathways to Employment (24 March Sydney)  
  • The Commission has released videos about how to share your experiences


Mental Health:  

The final report of Victoria’s Mental Health Royal Commission is due to be released soonTogether with other autism organisations and researchers, we are jointly advocating for a range of autism specific mental health improvements.  



Following a comprehensive submission (informed by a community survey jointly conducted with our friends at Aspergers Vic, Different Journeys, I CAN Network and Yellow Ladybugs) we are giving evidence before the Victorian Parliament’s Inquiry into access to TAFE for people with disability in March.  


We will continue to keep you up to date with our policy and advocacy workDon’t forget to follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram for the latest information.  

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