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Register now for Amaze NDIS information session

This session is for people on the autism spectrum and/or family members and carers of people on the autism spectrum. The National Disability Insurance Scheme will commence in the Melbourne ...

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Inquiry into career advice activities in Victorian schools: complete our survey and help inform Amaze's submission

The Victorian Parliament’s Economic, Education, Jobs and Skills Committee is conducting an Inquiry into Career Advice Activities in Victorian Schools. We want to hear about your experiences and views so ...

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Amaze to work with new autism peer-support groups in upcoming NDIS roll-out areas

Amaze will identify, engage and work with up to 24 new autism peer-support groups in upcoming National Disability Insurance Scheme roll-out areas. The project is designed to build the capacity ...

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Have you got your ticket to Amaze's Autism in Women & Girls Forum for Friday 20th October?

The needs of autistic women and girls is a subject we’ve been hearing more and more about in recent years. With good reason. Autism has been growing over the past ...

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Transition to Secondary School Forum: guest speakers announced

Amaze has announced a Transition to Secondary School Forum, ideal for parents and teachers, for May 23. The forum is designed for: Parents of children in Year 6 transitioning to ...

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