Amaze news

CEO: Why your participation in this short survey is vital to our work at Amaze

I believe one of the most important roles for Amaze is to ensure the voices and needs of autistic people and their families and carers are heard so that change ...

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Fidget fad arouses discrimination anger

I’m angry about the sudden popularity of fidget spinners, but probably not for the reasons you think. I’m not mad that they’re disruptive in class, or obnoxiously trendy. I’m furious ...

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Are you NDIS ready? Amaze’s new online resource will guide you

Evidence suggests there is a lot of confusion among National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants and carers when preparing for their planning meeting with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).   ...

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CEO: Closing the gap in educational outcomes for autistic students.

It’s Education Week, a theme of `Healthy Mind, Healthy Body’. The goal of the week is to profile the strengths and achievements of Victoria’s education sector, with the theme of ...

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Choosing a mainstream school for a child on the autism spectrum: what you need to know

There’s no better time than Education Week to think about your child’s schooling. If you’d like to enrol your child in a mainstream school, or change schools, it’s worth remembering ...

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Fidget spinners: tales of haircuts, school bans, emergency surgeries

Kids love their fidget spinners – so much so that one 6-year-old decided he would get a fidget spinner haircut. Yes, a youngster had an image of the toy phenom ...

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