
Amaze announces new forum: preparing autistic students for transition to year 7

About This forum will discuss how to prepare autistic students for a smooth transition into secondary school and is designed for both teachers and parents. We will be providing information ...

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New resource – Autism and Learning Plans at School

Amaze has created a new online resource for parents, teachers and students to assist the process of putting together an individual learning plan for autistic students. It’s especially helpful for ...

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'Autistic students learning differently doesn't mean we should have lower expectations of educational outcomes".

Decades of research show that children on the autism spectrum make far greater progress in mainstream classrooms than in specialist settings. In the lead-up to World Autism Awareness Day, April ...

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Inquiry into career advice activities in Victorian schools: complete our survey and help inform Amaze's submission

The Victorian Parliament’s Economic, Education, Jobs and Skills Committee is conducting an Inquiry into Career Advice Activities in Victorian Schools. We want to hear about your experiences and views so ...

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Maggie, 11, was bullied and had to find a new school. Mum tells how Maggie found the strength to leave the house again

Melbourne mum Wendy Proimos says a shopping centre visit can be a daunting experience. Daughter Maggie and son Ted were diagnosed with autism at 3 1/2 and Wendy says there ...

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'Devastation' as autistic students expelled from Vic state schools: Amaze responds

A report by the Victorian Ombudsman makes for distressing reading. The report, tabled in parliament on Monday, revealed more than 31 per cent of students expelled in 2016 have a ...

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