Amaze news

Celebrity chef Evans makes claims on diet and autism: experts respond

From the moment a child is diagnosed with autism, Professor Andrew Whitehouse writes, their family enters the unknown. Professor Whitehouse, who directs the Autism Research Team at the Telethon Kids ...

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CEO: Your participation in our survey is vital to Amaze's work

One of Amaze’s most important roles is to ensure the voices and needs of autistic people and their families and carers are heard so that change can occur to improve ...

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Melbourne IT experts boost career prospects of people on spectrum

Two IT experts are helping boost the career prospects for autistic people through an innovative new software testing program. EPIC Testability Academy (ETA) is the brainchild of Dr Lee Hawkins ...

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Disney’s Aladdin – The Musical: time's running out to take this magic carpet ride

Going to a theatrical event can be difficult for children on the autism spectrum. It’s why the creation of an autism-friendly performance of Disney’s Aladdin – The Musical, has been ...

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Hello! Are you the champion we're looking for?

Over the years Amaze has been fortunate to have many champions running, swimming or cycling and raising vital funds to support us and shape the future of autism. Are you ...

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Autism therapies and supports: top tips and avoiding the traps

When it comes to autism, media outlets are quick to respond to stories about “breakthrough therapies”. One of the most recent reports revolved around an autism study in the US, ...

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