Amaze news

Education: A journey that starts with love

Amaze has joined forces with the Australian China Education Foundation (ACEF) to boost awareness and understanding of autism in Victoria’s Chinese community. At a function at Manningham Community Square, State ...

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Hanson controversy around autistic students: Amaze responds

One Nation Senator Pauline Hanson created enormous controversy when she this week told parliament students with disabilities should be removed from mainstream classrooms. “These kids have a right to an ...

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Taking the trauma out of a hospital visit: social script

Amaze is committed to promoting meaningful access and participation for all. It’s why, In April, we made a submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into the Delivery ...

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CEO: Parliamentary Inquiry a big win for our community, but what's next?

Today the Victorian Parliamentary Family and Community Development committee tabled its 400-page report into services for autistic people in Victoria. The report is the culmination of an 18 month long ...

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Parliamentary Inquiry into services for autistic people: what you need to know

Today the Victorian Parliamentary Family and Community Development Committee tabled its report into services for autistic people in Victoria. The report is the culmination of a 18 month long inquiry, ...

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Amaze, the peak body for autistic people and their families in Victoria, welcomes the release of the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into services for people on the autism spectrum. The report ...

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