Amaze news

Autistic jobseekers wanted! DXC's Dandelion Program now recruiting for ANZ roles!

DXC’s Dandelion Program is now formally recruiting autistic people for training and roles in data service and cyber security at ANZ! These positions are exclusively for autistic people and are ...

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Amaze Chair handover: Judy Brewer passes role onto Warren Bebbington

At Amaze’s AGM 2018 in November, Judy Brewer stepped down as Chair of Amaze and the board elected Warren Bebbington as her replacement. Amaze would like to thank Judy for ...

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The DXC Dandelion Program 2019 applications open

Application Brief The DXC Dandelion Program are currently recruiting autistic people who’d like to be trained and work in the areas of software testing and cyber security. The training and ...

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7 ways to make Christmas more manageable for an autistic person

Written by Amaze employee and autistic adult Joel Wilson Christmas can be a stressful time of year. It’s also very overwhelming trying to find what works best for you, your ...

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Act for Autism forum: the wrap-up

On Monday 12 November, Amaze held the first ever State election forum on autism, Act for Autism. Watch it here Co-hosted by Aspergers Victoria, Different Journeys, the I-CAN Network and ...

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Autism community reacts to state election forum

On Monday 12 November 2018, Amaze hosted an autism state election forum with panelists from all four major parties: Labor, Liberal, The Greens and Reason Party. Here’s how the autism ...

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