News and Events

What is Autistic Pride Day?

Written by Amaze Communications Officer Jae Evergreen. Jae prefers being referred to as Jae rather than any pronouns.   Update June 2020 In January this year I decided I was ...

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New resources for parents of trans and gender diverse young people

Amaze is excited to share its new resources for parents of transgender / gender diverse autistic children so they can be empowered to help support their child / children.   Our ...

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Have you got your ticket to the Autism in Women & Girls Forum, Thursday March 21st?

On March 21, join psychologists Dr Michael Carr-Gregg and Dr Janine Manjiviona, autistic self-advocate Chloe Hayden and Family Planning Victoria’s Vanessa Thomas at Amaze’s Raising Autistic Teenage Girls forum. This ...

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Valentine's Day: more than just romance

It’s Valentine’s Day, and you might be seeing lots of hearts and flowers all around. Sometimes it can be wonderful to be surrounded by love – but sometimes it can ...

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