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Autism and employment: Australia has work to do

Employment opportunities for autistic Australians are dire according to an Australian-first study released by Amaze today.   Conducted by the Centre for Health and Social Research and Australian Catholic University, ...

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How do you know when it's autism and when it's a personality trait? Australian screening test hailed as 'most successful in world'

Autism is widely misunderstood, a fact made glaringly apparent when Amaze this year released Community Attitudes and Lived Experience of Autism research. The findings reveal nearly all Australians (98%) have heard ...

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Research: Why employing disabled people makes good business sense

The following article, by Nicole Pope, first appeared in Disability Support Guide. New research released by the Australian Government has provided a snapshot into disability employment across the healthcare, social ...

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From the CEO: Amaze inspired by response to our world-first research project

I have stated previously in this column that a key strategic goal of Amaze is to change attitudes and behaviours of governments, the private sector and the community in general so ...

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From the CEO: Amaze launches world-first research study

A key strategic goal of Amaze is to change attitudes and behaviours of governments, the private sector and the community in general so that they better understand, engage with and accept ...

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