News and Events

#ActuallyAutistic shares its best and worst school experiences

#ActuallyAutistic is a popular social media hashtag that helps autistic people have a voice and discourse. Only autistic people are allowed to post to it, providing a safe, understanding place ...

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The transition from primary to secondary school can fill parents and children with fear: here's what you need to know

The transition from primary to secondary school can be a deeply worrying time for both parents and children. This resource is designed to help parents and carers plan a successful ...

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Amaze launches new WebChat service

Amaze has launched a new way for people to connect with the Autism Information Advisor Service. People will be now be able to contact Amaze via instant online chat (WebChat) ...

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New resource – Autism and Learning Plans at School

Amaze has created a new online resource for parents, teachers and students to assist the process of putting together an individual learning plan for autistic students. It’s especially helpful for ...

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Amaze announces NDIS information sessions and workshops: sign up now!

WEST OF MELBOURNE: NDIS INFORMATION SESSION, 1st MAY Amaze in partnership with Footscray City Primary School is hosting an information session which will assist autistic people and their families to ...

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Amaze to work with new autism peer-support groups in upcoming NDIS roll-out areas

Amaze will identify, engage and work with up to 24 new autism peer-support groups in upcoming National Disability Insurance Scheme roll-out areas. The project is designed to build the capacity ...

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