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‘Clear and present threat’: price caps risk NDIS revolt

The Australian: Saturday, June 6, 2018. By Rick Morton A battle worth hundreds of millions of dollars between therapists and the National Disability ­Insurance Agency represents a “clear and present ...

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Want to know where Amaze stands on key issues? Begin with our strategic plan and position statements

Want to know where Amaze stands on key issues? Click here for information about us, Amaze’s Strategic Directions to 2040 and Strategic Plan 2018-2021. From this week we will also share with you ...

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Amaze announces boost for Autism Information and Support Service

This two-year project ($858,755) pilots a multi-channel Integrated Autism Information and Support Service in Victoria with a plan for national scale up. The service provides free, independent, accessible, evidence-based autism ...

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5 ways to share 'Do One Thing for Autism' on social media

Do One Thing for Autism is Amaze’s campaign to get the Australian public to understand, support and accept autistic people. Here are some ways you can help spread the word ...

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There is ample expertise in autism that is just waiting to be tapped: Amaze Chair tells The Australian

Judy Brewer is highly recognised as an outstanding leader and advocate for autism having devoted the last 20 years to driving change and elevating the needs of autistic people and ...

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Amaze is developing a peer support model for the autism community

Amaze has been funded to develop an evidence-based model of peer support suitable for autistic people, their families and carers. This toolkit will provide guidance to individuals or groups who ...

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