News and Events

Survey: Help inform Amaze’s submission to mental health Royal Commission

Are you an autistic person, or do you care for an autistic person, and have experience of Victoria’s mental health services? We want to hear from you!  Amaze is developing ...

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Important first step! Senate passes National Autism Strategy motion 

We’ve made an important first step to making a National Autism Strategy a reality.   On Tuesday 2 April 2019 the Australian Senate passed a motion that ‘encourages the government ...

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Autism and employment: Australia has work to do

Employment opportunities for autistic Australians are dire according to an Australian-first study released by Amaze today.   Conducted by the Centre for Health and Social Research and Australian Catholic University, ...

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Australian Senate to vote on National Autism Strategy — we need your help!

This is BIG. When the Australian Parliament resumes on 2 April 2019 (World Autism Acceptance Day), we’re expecting the Senate to vote on a motion supporting a National Autism Strategy ...

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Hoodie Up for Autism this April!

  On Tuesday 2 April 2019, schools  and businesses across Victoria will mark World Autism Acceptance Day by hosting #HoodieUp events to raise funds and show their support for autistic ...

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World Autism Awareness Day 2019 (and why I call don’t call it that)

Tuesday, April 2 2019 is World Autism Awareness (Acceptance) Day (WAAD), as recognised by the United Nations since 2008. Why have I swapped “awareness” for “acceptance”? Well, we know that 98% ...

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