News and Events

Inquiry into career advice activities in Victorian schools: complete our survey and help inform Amaze's submission

The Victorian Parliament’s Economic, Education, Jobs and Skills Committee is conducting an Inquiry into Career Advice Activities in Victorian Schools. We want to hear about your experiences and views so ...

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CEO: Parliamentary Inquiry a big win for our community, but what's next?

Today the Victorian Parliamentary Family and Community Development committee tabled its 400-page report into services for autistic people in Victoria. The report is the culmination of an 18 month long ...

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From the CEO: Amaze launches world-first research study

A key strategic goal of Amaze is to change attitudes and behaviours of governments, the private sector and the community in general so that they better understand, engage with and accept ...

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From the CEO: Your voice critical to NDIS success

Autistic participants are the largest single diagnostic group within the National Disability Insurance Scheme so it’s crucial the NDIS is fully rolled out and sustainable into the long term – ...

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Read: Amaze's submission to NDIS cost inquiry

Amaze in March launched a survey seeking important feedback about our community’s experience of the NDIS. If you completed the survey, we want to thank you and also let your ...

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