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Gain free entry to Collingwood Children’s Farm and access Amaze's social script for 'a real farm in the city'

Amaze has joined forces with Collingwood Children’s Farm and Yarra City Council to create a social script for one of Melbourne’s great attractions. The aim is to help visitors feel ...

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Amaze delivers damning report card: The Australian education system is failing autistic students

Autistic students have the worst educational outcomes of any students with a disability, with almost all (97%) facing difficulties in their education and more than half (56%) saying they’ve been ...

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Blake, who aims for a career in forensic science, tells how he thrives at his autism-inclusive school

Victorian schools are failing when it comes to supporting autistic students. Amaze’s latest research shows that only 13 per cent of Victorian schools have an effective process for dealing with ...

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Case study: “Inclusive education is an ingrained part of our school culture — a happy and safe place for all”

By Mary Demosthenous, Learning Diversity Leader at the School of the Good Shepherd, Gladstone Park. “My role is working together with staff, families and students with disability to support inclusive ...

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Why I question the supermarket Quiet Hour concept: It's not as accessible as many people think

By Amaze employee Joel Wilson, who is an autistic adult in his 30s and is studying for a Communications and Media Studies degree.  A couple of weeks ago, Coles announced they ...

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Asia Pacific Autism Conference 2019: register your interest and stay updated with news

The Asia Pacific Autism conference brings together people on the spectrum and their family members, service providers, researchers and policy makers as one community, so that people on the spectrum ...

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